Please review your list of assigned applications immediately to determine if you have a conflict of interest with any of the candidates. Readers who have been assigned to review an applicant with whom they have any real or perceived conflict of interest must recuse themselves from evaluating that individual’s application. Connections of concern and conflicts of interest are defined in the following categories:

You have an individual conflict with an application which involves a:

  • Spouse or family member.
  • Business or professional partner.
  • Former employer (within one year).
  • Present or past Ph.D. advisor/student.
  • Collaborator within the past 48 months.
  • Co-editor within the past 24 months.

You may also have a conflict with an application involving:

  • The employer/school of spouse or child
  • A person living in your household or their employer
  • A family member's employer

“Catch All”

  • Any other circumstances where your impartiality could be questioned.
    • Use the “Reasonable Person Test” – Would a reasonable person with all the relevant facts question your impartiality?

Reviewers with any of these connections to an assigned applicant should notify STPF staff immediately using the message center so that the application can be assigned to a different reviewer.